Friday, April 26, 2013

Movie Review: Pain and Gain


Trey: 3.5 out of 5

Having negative feelings regarding Michael Bay before watching this film may make you enjoy it less than you should. Though far from a perfect film, the 3 lead actors led me on a funny and entertaining journey that is worth more than the price of admission. Bay may have also added more depth to characters that could easily have come off as one dimensional without any knowledge of doing so. Its a funny, wacky and down right entertaining film unlike anything Michael Bay has ever done.

Suzanne: 4 out of 5

Alright ladies, (and gentlemen), this is a movie that both girls and guys can enjoy. The three main characters are extremely fun to watch in this movie. With it being a true story I was glad that they still managed to add some comedy to the extreme things that the three main guys pull off. I think this is probably one of Michael Bay's best movies.

Quick Synopsis
The film revolves around 3 body builders/trainers with the aspiration of obtaining their versions of the American dream. Daniel Lugo (Mark Whalberg) lives and breathes for fitness but everyday he begins to realize his situation isn't as great as he once believed it was. With the help from his friends Adrian (Anthony Mackie) and Paul (Dwayne Johnson) they devise a plan to steal all assets of Victor Kershaw's (Tony Shaloub) life. Giving each other the resources to have anything they wish in life and more.


Trey: There was maybe one scene that had clever and interesting cinematography, but the rest was pretty average. I wasn't expecting anything flashy or unique because it's not like it was an action film or had immense amounts of CGI. There was a couple bits of unnecessary slow motion that made me slouch in my seat but it was never a huge factor in the overall experience of the film.

Suzanne: I thought this movie was pretty visually appealing. It used slow motion fairly well although too much. They should have only used it some select scenes and that is it. I also thought they did a good job with the overall look of the movie it all flowed together really well there wasn't any scene that stuck out like it didn't fit in the film.

Audio and Score

Trey: Michael Bay has been known to make many scenes feel like music videos, which at times this film did. Although the addition of Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio was a very appealing and fun song to come across in this film. It got Suzanne and I bouncing a bit in our seats and it was one of my favorite scenes in the movie. Take out some music here and there and it may be a better film but i can withstand a music video feeling every now and then.

Suzanne: The visuals and audio in this movie were pretty impressive although I have to agree with Trey that some of the scenes felt a little bit like music videos. I think the music selections really worked well with the movie overall though they were good choices. And yes, I was bouncing in my seat to the music...I love to dance haha.


Trey: The acting was the highlight of this film for me, in particular with the 3 main characters. I have always been high on Mark Wahlberg in comedic roles and have gained a increasing respect for Anthony Mackie. Neither of these 2 men let me down at all but the big surprise for me was Dwayne Johnson. I know he can be an action star but his character was really well written and was unlike anything he has played. He was like giant teddy bear who became corrupt by the American dream and continued to evolve and break throughout the film. He really was my favorite part of the film which I didn't expect coming in. Also a great job by Tony Shaloub aka Monk and Ed Harris in their roles. The only real problem for me was Bar Paly who played a stripper that was extremely poorly written and idiotic. She just didn't have enough to do, and was not given enough depth.

Suzanne: The acting in this movie was spectacular all three of the main characters in this movie were great. They all portrayed buff body builders perfectly and made it really believable. Mark Wahlberg was very comedic in his role but I also really wanted to smack him sometimes. I have to say after this movie I don't think I will be able to look at Mark Wahlberg the same because of this character he portrayed. I think Anthony Mackie surprised me the most because the only thing I remember seeing him in is Real Steel and Gangster Squad. He was completely different in this movie than he was in those other two and I thought that was great I love when actors can completely switch personalities. Speaking of that we come to The Rock, he was so different in this movie than usual and it was really refreshing. He was quite the softy and that was a side I enjoyed seeing. The last character I want to mention is Tonly Shaloub, who also plays Mr. Monk in the old school TV show Monk. I thought his character was an asshole but also quite funny with what he was given. All I have to say is Bravo to the cast!


Trey: The story though real was extremely bizarre, which made the film very intriguing. The things that these 3 men do made me shake my head wondering how anyone could be so stupid. I understand not everyone is smart but these guys crossed many lines. I do not know how much is fabricated but the key moments (which I assume are true) were shocking enough to keep the film moving. Even when things slowed down or the pacing felt off the things that happened on screen kept me watching. Though it's difficult to compliment a writer on a true story, but he did well at adapting it. I thought the story was a breathe of fresh air because it was unlike many that I have seen.

Suzanne: I am just beyond amazed that this is a true story, it blows my mind. I'm not sure if I can really judge the story of this movie mainly for the reason that it is a true story. I don't remember hearing anything about these guys and what they did. I must say though that they are not very bright I don't know what is true and what was just put in for show but what a crazy story it was, that is all I have to say.

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