Monday, May 13, 2013

Buy It Or Not: May 14th

May 14th continues the releases of some of the more underwhelming films of the year from late last year and early this year. There other things being released that I won't be reviewing are Dexter: 7th Season, MythBusters: Collection 9, and some Indie films and Documentaries I have never seen.

Cloud Atlas is an interesting one, because I know many people who actually liked this film. I for one hated this film and found its jumping storylines and sup par acting to be a big problem. That being said there is things to like in this film, and though the sum of its parts isn't that special the final revelation is rather satisfying and offers a strong theme. I for one would never buy this movie, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth checking out. If you like complex films that you have to pay attention thoroughly to understand than I would say give it a try. The surplus of actors could also be a plus for many, in particular Tom Hanks and Halle Berry. I wouldn't however jump right out and buy it.
Verdict: Rent it than decide
I am going to be completely honest this film is absolute garbage. It barely qualifies as a horror film and fails to entertain as a slasher. It does have the excessive gore but it doesn't match the original in any way. I am not a horror fan by any means but this one did nothing for me.
Verdict: Pass

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