Thursday, May 16, 2013

Final Pacific Rim Trailer!

Warner Brothers has released the final trailer for the massively scaled Pacific Rim. This one offers a bit more story while still showing off some extremely impressive robot on monster action. Though the scale always impresses I was hoping to see some definitive story arcs within the trailer. The thing that interest me the most is the way in which the two Jager pilots minds are connect as they move as one to control the robot. For me at least an interesting story arc would to have the main character played by Charlie Hunmann (Sons Of Anarchy) as a tormented character. This would lead to a slow reveal as to why he is this way, and his co-pilot would be the only one who knows what is wrong. It definitely isn't the most creative character arc but it's one that can add depth to a film that may just be trying to be fun. The most impressive thing about this trailer and all previous ones show is the way in which Del Toro keeps the camera back, and I mean way back. This allows for huge shots of action without missing a moment of it. Which is one of the big problem with Michael Bay's action sequences in The Transformers franchise. You get these great CGI robots but you have no clue what they are doing. Trailer Below!

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